Art has always been able to cross borders, to link people from different parts of the globe together. Here’s a glimpse of 12 corona-related sand art from around the world. Spreading the coronavirus is a big no-no – spreading the corona art is a big yes-yes! So keep creating and stay safe out there!
Some pieces tell stories, some celebrate heroes, while others observe or encourage following recommendations. Thanks to people like you and me sharing images of it, the creators’ messages spread worldwide.
We’re all affected by the Corona pandemic regardless of where in the world we are. Regardless of national borders, beliefs, and different ways of life, we share a common problem – the coronavirus. A positive side effect can be that we unite. Not only to fight the virus but other global challenges too.
With a garden rake in hand, Sean Corcoran creates massive sand art on beaches in Ireland and the UK. Luckily photos and aerial videography go with it. As the art only lasts until the next tide, far too few would be able to awe unless. However, you can connect with Sean for pieces of sand art for special occasions. He even runs workshops if you’re dreaming of standing on a shore, rake in hand to create. It’s added to my sandy to-do list!
A six-ton sand sculpture pays tribute to health care workers. Thanks to people sharing images of it via social media, the creators’ message spread far beyond the backyard in New Jersey, USA, where it stands. The couple Laura Cimador Gowdy and John Gowdy, both professional artists, and John, an established sand carver, made it together.
At first, the sculpture of the caring woman held Italy in her hands with the words “Forza Italia” (Italy Strong) written on it. As the virus spread, the couple adjusted the sand sculpture for the health care worker to hold the entire world in her arms.
Have you ever seen the live illustrations with grains of sand moved around by hands in a light-box full of sand? It’s a must. The Italian artist Erica Abelardo aka Eka is one of few that masters it. She draws with sand on TV and big scenes when not making video
On several beaches sand has become a canvas for public announcements with words of encouragement or calls to stay home. Even if not meant as art what is lay in the eye of the beholder.
I love the symbolism that can be read into any art made from sand: (Yes, I’m a full-on sand nerd).
- how something tiny can have a huge impact
- how greatness can hide in what might appear plain and common
- that there’s strength in numbers
- how everything is temporary
Spreading the coronavirus is a big no-no – spreading the corona art is a big yes yes! So keep creating and stay safe out there!
/Kristina K