
Sand Origin

Rio Piray, Santa Cruz de la Sierra

Random Sand Fact

Once upon a time, a baby Tyrannosaurus Rex crossed a sandy patch, leaving nothing but footprints in the sand.

Fast forward some 65 million years and look at cliffs in Cal Orcko in Bolivia – the baby Tyrannosaurus Rex footprints are there, etched in the rock like a prehistoric ballet frozen in time.

Today’s cliff used to be sea bottom. The footprints got covered by sand, layer by layer, soon after they were made. As years turned into centuries and millions of years fossilizing the steps.

The Bolivian cliffs have around 5055 individual footprints. Those making them were at least eight different species of dinosaurs. Findings at the site have corrected long-held scientific errors and unveiled new knowledge one step at a time.

Whispers of fleeting moments in time, stored in sand.

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