Côte d’Ivoire

Sand Origin

Azuretti Grand-Bassam

Random Sand Fact

Can it be parts from the moon or alien nuclear debris? No, they’re tektites!

Ever wonder what happens to sand and pebbles thrown high into the air at meteorite impacts?

They heat, melt, reshape, and fall back down as tektites.

Ejected high enough, they melt into glass before falling back to Earth ranging from the size of a fist to tiny grains. All smaller than 2 mm/ 0.08 inches, microtektites, classify as sand.

Tektites are found in only four large strewn fields globally, one over Côte d’Ivoire. 

Past theories mistook tektites for lunar debris or alien nuclear waste. Close enough, at least they’re from above, just not as far out as once thought.

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