Concrete Accessories
Concrete Accessories Holding the World
Parts of every nation are embedded in all OUAW’s concrete pieces. All via sand as a result of global cooperation.
Wear it to connect with people, places, and activities worldwide.
Surgical steel and concrete, minimalistic and easy to style with almost any outfit.
The global connection, combined with all sand bonds with provides endless conversation starters. No more still formal dinners, regardless of seating and situation!
Stay Connected. Wear the World!

Concrete’s history involves stories of kings and emperors, discovery, forgotten knowledge, experimentation, and mysteries. All bonded into the collection. Wear the accessories to connect with “oh wow” feelings no matter what or where in the world you find it. To bond with ideas, people, and places of importance to you.
Everything at OUAW relates to sand. Yet, nothing is really about sand. Instead, it’s about a sense of togetherness, of connection. Connections to people, places, and ideas worldwide and to feeling awe or “oh wow! Sand happens to be a great connector.
The carefully collected sand in the CONCRETE collection’s concrete is not just the cherry on top, but adds an extra dimension.
The sand in the CONCRETE Collection is what makes it unique with grains from all around the globe, from every nation.
Imagine people all over the world heading out to collect sand. And how a part of each person’s sand ends up in the bucket in which we create the concrete. That’s the essence.
Everything within OUAW connects to sand. OUAW 🫶🏼 sand. Yet, nothing is really about sand. Instead, it’s about a sense of togetherness, of connection. Connections to people, places, and ideas worldwide and to feeling awe or “oh wow! Sand happens to be a great connector.
I hope OUAW’s CONCRETE Collection, the minimalist touch, and the concrete roughness will appeal to you. I hope you will be in awe over all it can connect you with.
People all around the globe have engaged in collecting the sand. Entrepreneurs, divers, surfers, geologists, entrepreneurs, artists, governmental officials, and people of all ages have all helped gather sand and acquire permits.
Gathering sand from every nation in the world is one thing. Collecting legal sand from every nation is quite another. However, over 1,000 kind-hearted people have helped make it a reality.
The sand in your OUAW jewelry can connect to every nation, place, collector, and person the sand has passed before landing in it.
Does sand from 195+ nations mean sand from each and every country in the world? The easy answer is yes. But it’s a tricky question.
How many nations there are depends on who’s doing the counting and for what.
Mixed into the concrete collection are the 193 United Nations member states, and 2 UN observer states – the Holy See and the State of Palestine. That’s 195, and the base to stay out of political discussions. Starting the “plus” are Taiwan, Kosovo, and West Sahara, recognized as sovereign states by most nations. On top are states seen as nations by some or, at times (as in the Olympics).
But there’s more. The secret ingredient holds a mix of more sand. Here are sands from geographically extreme points, from places of historical or cultural importance. And sand from places, events, or phenomena that struck me, the founder, with awe. Follow OUAW on Instagram to once in a while discover more.
For its constantly moving nature, how sand can be found in all corners of the world, and how it connects to culture, history, science, sports, flora, fauna, and more.
Sand reminds of the big in the small. It connects to “oh wow moments” in the most diverse subjects. And sand reflects the similarities, differences, and beauty of places, countries, and people worldwide.
Sand protects shores and land from high waves. It filters drinking water, and sand provides habitats for many animals on land and underwater.
Sand forms fantastic beaches and landscapes, and billions around the world love to play and play, in or with sand.
Speaking of forms, when it comes to manufacturing large-format constructions, concrete is a fantastic material!
The most significant amount of mined sand goes into making concrete, the world’s single most used manufactured material.
The story of concrete is ancient. Iconic structures around the world prove its durability. For example, the temple Pantheon remains the largest non-reinforced concrete dome worldwide. It stands intact nearly 2000 years after its construction.
After two millennia, the use and recipe of concrete are still under development, now with a big focus on sustainability.
Concrete is strong and durable. It’s loved because we can shape it into almost anything—huge bridges, skyscrapers, and mile-long tunnels. In addition, concrete is energy-efficient and disaster resistant.
At its best, is smooth, stylish, minimalistic, and absolutely stunning in its rawness. Concrete is the first choice for many architects. Yet, at the same time, it is a building material evoking mixed feelings.
Like any good thing in, excess concrete and its production have downsides. Here sand reappears.
After air and water, sand is the world’s most used raw material. Sand can appear infinite but is in short supply. And it’s mined and used up faster than it can renew itself.
Extraction is mainly unregulated and extracted in a way that damages the environment, animals and threatens human life.
Growing demand for sand has led to sand becoming a conflict-ridden international commodity. There is a black market for sand and even a sand mafia. People fight and kill for sand.
The most immense thirst for sand is for making concrete the world’s most used manufactured material.
Even countries with large sand deserts import sand. It may seem strange, but there is a reason. Desert sand grains are round, shaped by strong winds and time. Sand from water deposits, in or close to rivers, lakes, and the sea, are angular shaped.
Do you remember how difficult it was to build tall towers with round rocks compared with building blocks or angular items as a child? The basic idea is that it’s easier to construct and form with angular grains, at least with today’s technique.
People, research teams, and organizations around the globe search for sustainable solutions. Global challenges require global solutions. There are many dots to connect.
Beyond concrete, we use sand for water purification, land reclamation, glass, paint, and watches. And even in electronic devices like the one you’re currently using.
The list can continue for long. You’re dependent and surrounded by sand regardless of whether you’re at a sandy spot or not.
I hope OUAW CONCRETE Collection, the minimalist touch, and the concrete roughness will appeal to you. Even more, it gives you a sense of connection with ideas, people, and places important to you.
P.S. Please share your look under #OUAW